are numerous geographical studies, archaeological findings,
historical accounts and written evidences which confirm much of
Scandinavian history. Most of the written history begins after 600
AD. The little written evidence of Scandinavian history from 100 BC
to about 600 AD comes from contemporary writers of history, like
Tacitus and Jordanes. However, the lack of written history prior to
100 BC does not diminish the provocative past of the Scandinavians.
A reconstruction of the history of these years has been attempted by
many scholars. Most of these attempts come from the interpretation
of archaeological finds in view of contemporary European history and
culture (Europeanization of history), often disregarding a wider
perspective. Some of these reconstructions contradict one another,
do not fit all the facts very well, or are invalidated by new
discoveries. As such, this article should not be considered history
strictly in the academic sense. The conclusions here can be
attributed to well studied authors,
researchers and historians. Other information comes from scholarly
works, opinion, legend, mythology, professional historiography, and
from the analogy of circumstances and evidences too compelling to
In pursuit of a more accurate evaluation of Scandinavian history,
some historical questions will have no easy answers. For example,
who were the Svear and Daner people who lived in the Baltic region
(Denmark and southern Sweden) in the BC era? Who were the Erul
people who lived in the Baltic region at the same time? Were they
all kin from Thracian warrior tribes?
There is strong evidence that Swedish predecessors were migratory
Thracians, an aggressive refugee "boat-people" who first came from
the ancient city of Troy. Located in northwest Asia Minor
(present-day northwest Turkey), the ruins of Troy were discovered in
1870. In the period beginning about 2500 BC, Troy was populated by
an "invasion of peoples on the sea" according to the Egyptians.
These people were called Thracians by the Greeks, and were early
users of ships, iron weapons and horses. Troy (also called Troi,
Toas or Ilium) was known as a center of ancient civilizations. Its
inhabitants became known as Trojans (also Trajans/Thracians, later
called Dardanoi by Homer, Phrygians or Anatolians by others), and
their language was Thracian or Thraco-Illyrian. Evidence shows the
city of Troy endured years of war, specifically with Greek and
Egyptian armies. The famous Trojan War was fought between the
Greeks and Trojans with their allies. Troy was eventually laid in
ruins after 10 years of fighting with the Greeks, traditionally
dated from around 1194 to 1184 BC, and is historically referred to
as the Fall of Troy. The city was completely devastated,
which is verified by the fact that the city was vacant to about 700
Thousands of Trojans left Troy immediately after the war, beginning
about 1184 BC. Others remained about 30 to 50 years after the war,
when an estimated 30,000 Trojans/Thracians suddenly abandoned the
city of Troy, as told by Homer (Greek writer/poet, eighth century
BC) and various sources (Etruscan, Merovingian, Roman and later
Scandinavian). The stories corroborate the final days of Troy, and
describe how, after the Greeks sacked the city, the remaining
Trojans eventually emigrated. Over half of them went up the Danube
river and crossed over into Italy, establishing the
culture—the dominating influence on the development of Rome—and
later battled the Romans for regional dominance. The remaining
Trojans, mainly chieftains and warriors, about 12,000 in all, went
north across the Black Sea into the Mare Moetis or "shallow sea"
where the Don River ends (Caucasus region in southern Russia), and
established a kingdom called Sicambria about 1150 BC. The
Romans would later refer to the inhabitants as Sicambrians. The
locals (nomadic Scythians) named these Trojan conquerors the "Iron
people", or the Aes in their language. The Aes (also
Asa, Asen, Aesar, Aesir, Aesire, Æsir or Asir)
soon built their famous fortified city Aesgard or Asgard,
described as "Troy in the north." Various other sources collaborate
this, stating the Trojans landed on the eastern shores with their
superior weaponry, and claimed land. The area became known as
Asaland (Land of the Aesir) or Asaheim (Home of the
Aesir). Some historians suggest that Odin, who was later worshipped
as a god by pagan Vikings, was actually a Thracian/Aesir leader who
reigned in the Sicambrian kingdom and lived in the city of Asgard in
the first century BC. He appointed chieftains after the pattern of
Troy, establishing rulers to administer the laws of the land, and he
drew up a code of law like that in Troy and to which the Trojans had
been accustomed.
Historians refer to the Aesir people as the
Thraco-Cimmerians, since
the Trojans were of Thracian ancestry (click
for Thracian origins). The Cimmerians were an ancient people who
lived among Thracians, and were eventually absorbed into Thracian
culture. Greek historian Herodotus of Halicarnassus noted about 440
BC that the Thracians were the second most numerous people in the
world, outnumbered only by the (East) Indians, and that the Thracian
homeland was huge. The Thracian homelands included the Ukrainian
steppes and much of the Caucasus region. According to Flavius
Josephus, Jewish & Roman historian in the 1st century AD, the
descendants of Noah's grandson Tiras were called Tirasians. They
were known to the Romans as Thirasians. The Greeks called them
Thracians and later Trajans, the original people of the city of
Troas (Troy), whom they feared as marauding pirates. History
attests that they were indeed a most savage race, given over to a
perpetual state of "tipsy excess", as one historian put it. They
are also described as a "ruddy and blue-eyed people". World Book
Encyclopedia states they were "...savage Indo-Europeans, who liked
warfare and looting." Russian historian Nicholas L. Chirovsky
describes the arrival of the Thracians, and how they soon dominated
the lands along the eastern shores of the river Don. These people
were called Aes locally, according to Chirovsky, and later
the Aesir (plural).
Evidence that the Aesir (Iron people) were Trojan refugees can be
confirmed from local and later Roman historical sources, including
the fact that the inner part of the Black Sea was renamed from the
Mare Maeotis to the "Iron Sea" or "Sea of Aesov", in the local
tongue. The name remains today as the
Sea of Azov,
an inland sea in southern European Russia, connected with the Black
Sea. The Aesir were known for their fighting with iron weapons.
They were feared for their warships, as well as their ferocity in
battle, and thus quickly dominated the northern trades, using the
Don river as their main route for trading.
The Aesir people dominated the area around the Sea of Azov for
nearly 1000 years, though the surrounding areas to the north and
east were known as the lands of the Scythians. The Aesir fought
with the Scythians for regional dominance, but eventually made
peace. They established trade with the Scythians, and even strong
cultural ties, becoming united in religion and law. The Aesir began
trading far to the north as well.
The land far north was first described about 330 BC by the Greek
explorer Pytheas of Massalia. He called the region "Thule",
which was described as the outermost of all countries, probably part
of the Norwegian coast, where the summer nights were very short.
Pytheas translated Thule as "the place where the Sun goes to rest",
which comes from the Germanic root word "Dhul-" meaning "to stop in
a place, to take a rest." Pytheas described the people as
barbarians (Germanic/Teutonic tribes) having an agricultural
lifestyle, using barns and threshing their grains. These people had
already established trade with the Aesir who later began migrating
north around 90 BC from the Caucasus region, during the time of
Roman expansion in Europe. The Germanic/Teutonic tribes first made
a name for themselves about 100 BC after aggressively fighting
against the Romans. Not much is known about the Germanic tribes
prior to this. When writing the "Gallic Wars", Julius Caesar
described encounters with those Germanic peoples and distinguishes
them from the Celts. During this time period, many Germanic tribes
were migrating out of Scandinavia to Germany and the Baltic region,
placing continuous stress on Roman defenses.
Migrating groups were normally smaller groups of different people or
tribes, often following a strong leader. The "nationality" of the
leaders would usually appear as the nationality of the migrating
group, until later when the group was separated again. The
migrations could take place over several decades, and often when the
Germanic tribes were mentioned in the written sources, the Romans
had only met raiding groups occupying warriors or mercenaries
operating far away from their people.
Around the same time, about 90 BC, the Aesir began their exodus from
the Black Sea/Caucasus region. Their arrival at the Baltic Sea in
Scandinavia has been supported by several scholars and modern
archaeological evidence. As told by Snorri Sturluson (a 13th
century Nordic historiographer) and confirmed by other data, the
Aesir felt compelled to leave their land to escape Roman invasions
by Pompeius, and local tribal wars. Known as Thracian warrior
tribes, the aggressive Indo-European nomadic Aesir came north,
moving across Europe, bringing all their weapons and belongings in
their boats on the rivers of Europe, in successive stages.
Historians note that Odin, who was a very popular Thracian ruler,
led a migration about 70 BC with thousands of followers from the
Black Sea region to Scandinavia. It is also told that another
Thracian tribe came along with them, a people called the
Vanir or
Vaner. Odin's first established settlement became known as Odense (Odin's
Sanctuary or Odin's Shrine), inspiring religious
pilgrimages to the city through the Middle Ages. These tribes first
settled in present-day Denmark, and then created a power-center in
what is now southern Sweden. About 800 years later during the
Viking era, Odin, the Aesir and
Vanir had become gods, and
Asgard/Troy was the home of those gods—the foundation for Viking
religion. The Aesir warrior gods, and the religious deities of Odin
and Thor, were an integral part of the warlike nature of the
Vikings, even leading them back down the waterways of Europe to
their tribal origins along the Black Sea and Asia Minor.
Aesir became the Old Norse word for the divine (also, the Old
Teutonic word "Ase" was a common word for "god"), and "Asmegir" was
the Icelandic term for "god maker"—a human soul on its way to
becoming divine in the course of evolution. The
Vanir represented
fertility and peace gods. Not unlike Greeks and Romans, the
Scandinavians also deified their ancestors. The Egyptians adopted
the practice of deifying their kings, just as the Babylonians had
deified Nimrod. The same practice of ancestor worship was passed on
to the Greeks and Romans and to all the
pagan world, until it was subdued by Christianity.
Snorri Sturluson wrote the Prose Edda (Norse history and myths)
about 1223 AD, where he made an interesting comparison with the
Viking Aesir gods to the people in Asia Minor (Caucasus region),
particular to the Trojan royal family (considered mythological by
most historians today, regrettably). The Prose Edda is one of the
first attempts to devise a rational explanation for mythological and
legendary events of the Scandinavians. Unfortunately, many
historians acknowledge only what academia accepts as history, often
ignoring material that might be relevant. For example, Snorri wrote
that the Aesir had come from Asia Minor, and he compared the
Ragnarok (Norse version of the first doom of the gods and men)
with the fall of Troy. Sturluson noted that Asgard, home of the
gods, was also called Troy. Although Snorri was a Christian, he
treated the ancient religion with great respect. Snorri was writing
at the time when all of Scandinavia (including Iceland) had
converted to Christianity by 11th century, and he was well aware of
classical Greek and Roman mythology. Stories of Troy had been known
from antiquity in many cultures. The Trojan War was the greatest
conflict in Greek mythology, a war that was to influence people in
literature and arts for centuries. Snorri mentioned God and the
Creation, Adam and Eve, as well as Noah and the flood. He also
compared a few of the Norse gods to the heroes at the Trojan War.
The Aesir/Asir were divided into several
groups that in successive stages emigrated to their new Scandinavian
homeland. Entering the Baltic Sea, they sailed north to the
Scandinavian shores, only to meet stubborn Germanic tribes, who had
been fighting the Romans. The prominent Germanic tribes in the
region were the Gutar, also known as the Guta,
Gutans, Gotarne or Goths by Romans. These
Germanic tribes were already known to the Aesir, as trade in the
Baltic areas was well established prior to 100 BC. The immigrating
Aesir had many clans and tribes, and one prominent tribe that
traveled along with them were the Vanir (the Vanir later became
known as the Danir/Daner, and subsequently the Danes, who settled in
what is now present-day Denmark). However, the most prominent clan
to travel with the Asir were the Eril warriors or the "Erilar",
meaning "wild warriors". The Asir sent Erilar north as seafaring
warriors to secure land and establish trade (these warriors were
called "Earls" in later Scandinavian society). The clans of Erilar
(also called Jarlar, Eruls or Heruls by Romans,
and Eruloi or Elouroi by Greek historian Dexippos)
enabled the Asir clans (later called Svi, Sviar, Svea,
Svear or Svioner by Romans) to establish settlements
throughout the region, but not without continuous battles with the
Goths and other migrating Germanic tribes. The Eruls/Heruls
eventually made peace with the Goths who ruled the region. The
tribes of Svear, Vanir, and Heruls soon formed their own clans and
dominated the Baltic/Scandinavian region. The Gothic historian
Jordanes (or Jordanis), who was a notary of Gothic kings, told in
about 551 AD that the Daner were from the same stock as the Svear,
both taller and fairer than any other peoples of the North. He
called the Svear, "Sve'han".
The Svear population flourished, and with the Heruls and Goths,
formed a powerful military alliance of well-known seafarers. The
Svear and Heruls then gradually returned to their ancestral land,
beginning in the 2nd century AD, building a fleet of 500 sailing
ships. Sometimes sailing with the Goths, they terrorized all of the
lands and peoples of the Black Sea and parts of the Mediterranean,
even the Romans. They were the pre-Vikings. In the 3rd century
(267 AD) the Heruls controlled all of the Roman-occupied Black Sea
and parts of the eastern Mediterranean. There are several accounts
about how the Herul warriors returned to ravage the shores of the
Black Sea and the Mediterranean, alone and together with the Goths.
The Romans noted that "the Heruls, a Scandinavian people, together
with the Goths, were, from the 3rd century AD, ravaging the Black
Sea, Asia Minor and the Mediterranean." While the the Romans called
the Scandinavian region "Thule" (after Pytheas), the Greeks called
it "Scandia" (from ancient times), and others called the area
"Scandza". The term Scandia comes from the descendants of Ashkenaz
(grandson of Noah in the Bible). Known as the Askaeni, they were
the first peoples to migrate to northern Europe, naming the land
Ascania after themselves. Latin writers
and Greeks called the land Scandza or Scandia (now Scandinavia).
Germanic tribes, such as the Teutons and Goths, are considered the
descended tribes of the Askaeni and their first settlements.
The first time Thule (Scandinavia) was mentioned in Roman written
documents was in the 1st century (79 AD) by the Roman citizen
Plinius senior. He wrote about an island peninsula in the north
populated by "Sviar", "Sveonerna" or "Svearnas"
people, also called "Sveons", "Svianar",
"Svetidi" or "Suetidi" by others. Later in 98
AD the learned civil servant Cornelius Tacitus wrote about northern
Europe. Tacitus writes in the Latin book Germania about
tribes of "Sviones" or "Suiones" (Latin Sviones
was derived from Sviar) in Scandinavia, who live off the
ocean, sailing in large fleets of boats with a prow at either end,
no sail, using paddles, and strong, loyal, well-armed men with
spikes in their helmets. They drove both the Goths and Lapps out of
Scandinavia. Archaeological finds have provided a vivid record of
the evolution of their longships from about the 4th century BC.
Tacitus further wrote, "And thereafter, out in the ocean comes
Sviones (also "Svionernas" or "Svioner") people, which are mighty
not only in manpower and weaponry but also by its fleets". He also
mentions that "the land of Svionerna is at the end of the world."
In the 2nd century (about 120 AD) the first map was created where
Scandinavia (Baltic region) could be viewed. Greek-Egyptian
astronomer and geographer Ptolemaios (Ptolemy of Alexandria) created
the map, and at the same time wrote a geography where he identified
several different people groups, including the "Gotarne", "Heruls",
"Sviar" and "Finnar" who lived on peninsula islands called
"Scandiai". During the Roman Iron Age (1-400 AD), evidences are
convincing for a large Baltic seafaring culture in what is now
Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Estonia.
Many clans of Aesir and Germanic peoples were united by
settlements. For example, the Aesir clan Suevi (also Suebi)
settled among Germanic peoples in a region called Swabia (named
after themselves), which is now southwest Germany. Those clans
became known as the Alemanni, first mentioned about 213 AD after
attacking the Romans. Called Suevic tribes by historians, they
formed an alliance for mutual protection against other Germanic
tribes and the Romans, and retained their tribal designation until
the late Middle Ages.
By the 5th century, the Aesir Heruls were in great demand as
soldiers in the Roman Imperial Guards. The Romans were impressed
with the war-like Heruls, and recruited them to fight in the Roman
Army. Herul factions were making settlements throughout Europe,
fighting and battling everywhere they went. In the late 5th
century, the Heruls formed a state in upper Hungary under the Roman
ruler Cæsar Anastasius (491-518 AD). Later they attacked the
Lombards, but were beaten, according to Greek-Roman author Prokopios
(born at the end of the 5th century). He was a lawyer in
Constantinople and from the year 527 private secretary to the
Byzantine military commander Belisarius on his campaigns against the
Ostrogoths. Prokopios says by the early 6th century (about 505),
the remaining Heruls in upper Hungary were forced to leave. Some of
them crossed the Danube into Roman territory, where Anastasius
allowed them to settle. Historians mention that remaining clans of
Heruls sailed northwards, back to Thule to reunite with their Svear
brethren. Prokopios noted that there were 13 populous tribes in
Thule (the Scandinavian peninsula), each with its own king. He
said, "A populous tribe among them was the Goths, next to where the
returning Heruls settled". Prokopios also mentions that "the Heruls
sent some of their most distinguished men to the island Thule in
order to find and if possible bring back a man of royal blood. When
they came to the island they found many of royal blood."
Evidence of their existence during this time period can be found on
the frequent appearance of runic inscriptions with the name ErilaR
"the Herul". While it is thought that the ancient Scandinavian
alphabet, called futhork or runes, is of Latin origin, the evidence
suggests that it was used far to the northeast of Rome where Roman
influence did not reach. The runes are a corruption of an old Greek
alphabet, used by Trojans along the northwest coast of the Black
Sea. From examples of Etruscan, Greek, and early Roman scripts, it
is not difficult to see that earlier runes resemble archaic Greek
and Etruscan rather than Latin. The Heruls used runes in the same
way their ancestors did, which have been discovered throughout
Europe and Scandinavia. Scandinavian sagas tell us that the
Scandinavian languages began when men from central Asia settled in
the north. Sometime after 1300 AD the runes were adjusted to the
Roman alphabet.
The Heruls brought with them a few Roman customs, one being the
Julian calendar, which is known to have been introduced to
Scandinavia at this time, the early 6th century AD. When the Heruls
returned to join again with the Svear in Scandinavia, the Svear
state with its powerful kings suddenly emerges. Their ancestors
were the warring bands of Aesir (sometimes called Eastmen) who
became known as the Svear or Suines. They became the
dominant power and waged war with the Goths, winning rule over
them. By the middle of the 6th century, the first all-Swedish kings
emerged. This royal dynasty became immensely powerful and dominated
not only Sweden but also neighboring countries. Gothic historian
Jordanes writes of the Suines or Suehans (Sve'han) of
Scandinavia, with fine horses, rich apparel and trading in furs
around 650 AD. The Swedish nation has its roots in these different
kingdoms, created when the king of the Svenonians (Svears)
assumed kingship over the Goths. The word Sweden comes from
the Svenonians, as Sverige or Svearike means "the
realm of the Svenonians". The English form of the name is probably
derived from an old Germanic form, Svetheod, meaning the
Swedish people.
By the 7th century, the Svear and Goth populations dominated the
areas of what is now Sweden, Denmark and
Norway. However, the term
came later. Latin text from around 840 AD called the area Noruagia,
and Old English text from around 880 AD used Norweg. The oldest
Nordic spelling was Nuruiak, written in runes on a Danish stone from
around 980 AD. The Old Norse (Old Scandinavian) spelling became
Nordvegr, meaning "the country in the north" or "the way to the
north", and the people were called Nordes. All of the names were
given by people south of Norway to signify a place far to the
north. The people of Norway now call themselves Nynorsk, a name
decided by linguists in the 1880s. The name
originated from the people called the
Vanir (or Vaner) who settled
the region with the Aesir in the first century BC. The
Vanir were
later called Danir (or Daner), and eventually Danes. By the
9th century AD, the name Danmark (Dan-mörk, "border district of the
Danes") was used for the first time. In Old Norse, mörk meant a
"forest," and forests commonly formed the boundaries of tribes. In
Modern Danish, mark means a "field," "plain,"
or "open country." Hence, Denmark once meant
literally "forest of the Danes." During this period, their
language Dönsk tunga (Danish tongue) was spoken throughout
northern Europe, and would later be called Old Norse or
Old Scandinavian during the Viking period. Old Norse was spoken
by the people in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, and parts of
The ancestor of all modern Scandinavian languages, beginning with
the Germanic form, was developed from the languages of the Aesir
(Thracian tribes) and Goths (Germanic tribes). When the Aesir
integrated with the people of the lands, their families became so
numerous in Scandinavia and Germany that their language became the
language of all the people in that region. The linguistic and
archaeological data seem to indicate that the final linguistic stage
of the Germanic languages took place in an area which has been
located approximately in southern Sweden, southern Norway, Denmark
and the lower Elbe river which empties into the North Sea on the
northwest coast of Germany. The Germanic tribes began arriving in
the area about 1000 BC. Later, the Aesir brought their language to
the north of the world, to Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Germany. The
future rulers of Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Iceland trace their
names and genealogies back to the Aesir. The most ancient
inscriptions in Old Norse/Scandinavian are from the 3rd and 5th
century centuries AD, with other inscriptions dating up to the 12th
century. They were short signs written in the futhork runic
alphabet, which had 24 letters (though many variations were used
throughout the region). By the end of the Viking era (11th century
AD), the Old Norse language dialect varieties grew stronger until
two separate languages appeared, Western Scandinavian, the ancestor
of Norwegian and Icelandic, and Eastern Scandinavian, the the
ancestor of Swedish and Danish. Many Old Norse words were borrowed
by English, and even the Russian language, due to expansion by
The next Svear conquests began in the early 8th century. By 739 AD
the Svear and Goths dominated the Russian waterways, and together
they were called Varyagans or Varangians, according to
written records of the Slavs near the Sea of Azov. Like their
ancestors, the Svear lived in large communities where their chiefs
would send out maritime warriors to trade and plunder. Those fierce
warriors were called the Vaeringar, which meant literally
"men who offer their service to another master". We later know them
by their popularized name, the Vikings. Thus began the era
known as the Viking Age, 750-1066 AD. They often navigated the Elbe
river, one of the major waterways of central Europe. Their ships
were the best in all of Europe—sleek, durable and could travel by
both sail or oars. To the east of the
Elbe they were known as Varangians, and
west of the Elbe they were called Vikings. Many called them Norse
or Northmen—those from the Scandinavian countries, which consisted
of Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Once again the Svear began returning
to the places of their Thracian ancestors in the Caucasus region,
sailing rivers which stretched deep into Russia, establishing
trading stations and principalities. Other Vikings raided the
British Isles and western Europe, as noted in this Old English
prayer: "A furore Normannorum libra nos, Domine" (From the fury of
the Northmen deliver us, Oh Lord).
never called themselves Vikings. Unlike Varangian, the term Viking
probably originated from Frankish chroniclers who first called them
"Vikverjar" (travelers by sea), Nordic invaders who attacked the
city of Nantes (in present-day France) in 843 AD. The word "vik"
meant bay or fjord in Old Norse, and later meant "one who came out
from or frequented inlets to the sea". Viking and Varangian
eventually became synonymous, meaning "someone who travels or is
passing through," whether merchant, mercenary, or marauder. Their
activities consisted of trading,
plundering and making temporary settlements (see
Finnish peoples referred to the Swedish voyagers as Ruotsi,
Rotsi or Rus in contrast with Slavic peoples, which
was derived from the name of the Swedish
maritime district in Uppland, called "Roslagen", and its
inhabitants, known as "Rodskarlar". Rodskarlar or Rothskarlar meant
"rowers" or "seamen". Those Swedish conquerors settled in eastern
Europe, adopted the names of local tribes, integrated with the
Slavs, and eventually the word "Rusi", "Rhos" or "Rus" came to refer
to the inhabitants. The Arab writer Ibn Dustah wrote that
Swedish Vikings were brave and valiant, utterly plundering and
vanquishing all people they came against. Later, the Arabic
diplomat Ibn Fadlan, while visiting Bulgar (Bulgaria) during
the summer of 922 AD, saw the Swedish Vikings (Rus) arrive, and he
wrote: "Never before have I seen people of more perfect physique;
they were tall like palm trees, blonde, with a few of them red.
They do not wear any jackets or kaftaner (robes), the men instead
wear dress which covers one side of the body but leaves one hand
free. Every one of them brings with him an ax, a sword and a
knife." Their descriptions mirror the physique, dress and armor of
Trojan warriors—the Viking ancestors. The various ancestors of the
Vikings included the Thracian tribes (Asir) and the Germanic tribes
The Vikings included many tribes and kingdoms from around the Baltic
Sea, including the Svear from Sweden, the Norde from Norway, the
Danes from Denmark, the Jutes from Juteland (now part of Denmark),
the Goths from Gotland (now part of Sweden), the Alands from Åland
(now part of Finland), the Finns from Finland, and others. The
Svear Vikings traveled primarily east to the Mediterranean (what is
now Russia and Turkey), where they had been returning regularly
since leaving the region 900 years earlier. Subsequent Viking raids
and expeditions covered areas deep into Russia, the Middle East,
Europe and America, ending in the 11th century (about 1066 AD) after
the introduction of Christianity around the year 1000 AD. The
kingships and provinces of Sweden then combined to form one
country. The dominant king during the Viking age was from the
Erik family of Uppsala. One of the first Swedish monarchs in
recorded history was Olof Skotkonung, a descendant of the
Erik family. Olof and his descendants ruled Sweden from about 995
to 1060. Sweden's first archbishop arrived in the 12th century
Sweden's expansion continued during the 12th and 13th centuries
through the incorporation of Finland into the Swedish kingdom after
several crusades, promoted by the Catholic church. There was a
struggle for power between the Sverker and Erik
families, which held the crown alternately between 1160 and 1250.
However, during this period the main administrative units were still
the provinces, each of which had its own assembly, lawmen and laws.
It was first during the latter part of the 13th century AD that the
crown gained a greater measure of influence and was able, with the
introduction of royal castles and provincial administration, to
assert the authority of the central government and to impose laws
and ordinances valid for the whole kingdom. In 1280 King Magnus
Ladulås (1275 - 1290) issued a statute which involved the
establishment of a temporal nobility and
the organization of society on the feudal model. A council
containing representatives of the aristocracy and the Catholic
church was set up to advise the king. In
1350, during the reign of Magnus Eriksson (1319 - 1364), the
various provincial law codes were superseded by a law code that was
valid for the whole country, and Finland became part of the Swedish
In 1389, through inheritance and family ties, the crowns of Denmark,
Norway and Sweden were united under the rule of the Danish Queen
Margareta. In 1397, the union of the three Scandinavian
countries concluded under her leadership lasting 124 years. The
whole union period, 1397 - 1521, was marked by conflict, and
provoked a rebellion which in 1521 led to the seizure of power by a
Swedish nobleman, Gustav Vasa, who was elected king of Sweden in
1523. The foundations of the Swedish national state were laid
during the reign of Gustav Vasa (1523 - 1560). The position
of the crown was strengthened further in 1544 when a hereditary
monarchy was introduced. Before that time the country had been an
elective monarchy, and the aristocracy had been able to assert
itself every time the throne fell vacant. The church was turned
into a national institution, its estates were confiscated by the
state and the Protestant Reformation was introduced in several
Thracians: Ancestors of the
The origins of the
Thracians, and thus the Swedes, can be traced back to secular and
biblical history. Chapters 9 and 10 of Genesis describe how the
nations developed from Noah's three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
Recorded history continually verifies the biblical account of the
spread of nations.
The Genesis
account, as a historical document, is fully corroborated by an
overwhelming richness of documentary and other historical
evidence so vast that it is unique in recorded history. No
other manuscript enjoys such a wealth of detailed corroboration
from such a wide-ranging variety of sources. The Indo-European
peoples were all too aware of their historic and ethnic descent
from the line of Japheth, Noah's 3rd son. These peoples,
through carefully preserved records, could trace their lineage
and race back to the time of Babel and the dispersal of the
nations from the plain of Shinar. Noah's flood is generally
agreed to have occurred about 3400 BC (see
Setterfield's chronology), and from here we find the
beginnings of nations and empires (Egypt, Persia, Greek, etc).
The evidence is striking from those early post-Flood nations of
the Mesopotamian valley, who had direct contact with one
another, and who preserved in written records those names that
are explicitly mentioned in the Genesis record.
The records
that have come down to us lend their weight to the already vast
body of documentary evidence that can only convince us that the
Genesis record is a true and faithful historical account of the
early history of mankind. What is remarkable about these
records is that they mostly come from ancient historians and
writers of various nationalities who had not the least
intention, either consciously or otherwise, of lending support
to the Genesis record. Most of them were nurtured within pagan
systems that were openly antagonistic to the knowledge of God,
and who had labored over many centuries to darken, if not
totally erase that knowledge altogether. Their verification is
therefore all the more valuable.
is considered the father of Indo-European people groups (several
royal European genealogies confirm this). Japheth's 7th son, Tiras,
was the progenitor of the Tiracians. Historians note they probably
first settled in the area of Asia Minor (present day Turkey) about
2,500 BC. The transfer of words through nations and languages is
prevalent in every people group. Merenptah of Egypt, who reigned
during the 13th century BC, provides us with what is so far our
earliest reference to the people of Tiras, recording their name as
the Tursha (or Tarusha), and referring to them as invaders from the
north. Herodotus (425 BC Greek historian) wrote: "The Thracian
people are the most numerous of the world; the Thracians have
several names, according to their specific regions, but their habits
are more or less the same...and only their chronic disunity
prevented them from being the most powerful of all nations."
History attests
that they were indeed a most savage race, given over to a perpetual
state of "tipsy excess". They are also described as a "ruddy and
blue-eyed, people", fighting with their own tribal factions. In the
3rd century BC, the Thracians were noted as having numerous tribes
that rarely united, most having their own kings. Thracian dress was
well known. Several descriptions were given, including
illustrations on Greek vase paintings. Basic dress was tunic, cloak,
cap and boots. After the Greek victory over the Persians (449 BC),
the Persian king Xerxes (486-465 BC) established for himself a large
army among whose soldiers Herodotus mentions Thracians from
northwest Asia Minor, who are described as follows:
"The Thracians
joined the expedition wearing fox caps, wearing long coats under
their vivid colored capes. Their calf-high footwear was made of
deerskin. They were equipped with spears, light shields and
small daggers."
Josephus (1st century
AD Jewish & Roman historian) identifies them as the tribes who were
known to the Romans as Thirasians, and to the Greeks as Thracians,
whom they feared as marauding pirates. Dio Cassius, Roman historian
in the 2nd century AD, wrote "let us not forget that a Trajan was a
true-born Thracian."
Tiras himself was
worshipped by his descendants as Thuras (Thor), the god of war. The
river Athyras was also named after him, and the ancient city of
Troas (Troi, Troy?the Trajans or Trojans) perpetuates his name, as
also does the Taunrus mountain range. Thracian lands stretched from
southwestern Europe to Asia Minor, a vast area historically known as
Thracia. The historical Thracian genealogical tree counts over 200
tribes which had several names, according to their specific regions.
Some of their tribal names were Trajans, Etruscans, Dacians, Luwians,
Ramantes, Pelasgians, Besins, Odrisi, Serdoi, Maidoi and Dentheletoi.
The Trajans (Trojans) founded the city of Troy which existed over
3,000 years (about 2500 BC to 500 AD), which was destroyed and
rebuilt several times. Thousands of Trojan warriors left the city
of Troy during the 11th century BC. They came north and captured
land along the banks of the river Don (southwestern Russia), a major
trade route. The locals named the Trojan conquerors the "Aes",
meaning "Iron People", for their superior weaponry. The tribes of
Trojan Aes would eventually move north, settling in present-day
Scandinavia. The Aes or Aesar (plural), subsequently became known
as the Svear, and then Swedes. Historians refer to the Aes people
as "Thraco-Cimmerians" due to their Trojan ancestry. Other tribes
of Thracians remained a culture in Asia Minor and southern Europe
until the 5th century AD. Many present-day Bulgarians claim to be
direct descendants of ancient Thracians (different from the Slavs
who arrived that region in the 6th century AD).
The name Tiras
perpetuated through different languages, as in this list of names
from Noah to the present-day Swedes.
1. Noah
2. Japheth
5. Thirasian
6. Thracian
7. Troi
8. Trojan
9. Aes
10. Aesar
11. Svear
12. Svenonian
14. Swede
<---------------------4,000+ years--------------------->
Japheth's first
born son was Gomer. Gomer is perpetuated through the names of Gamir,
Gimmer, Gomeria, Gotarna and Goth. The tribes of Gomer are
mentioned by the Jews in the 7th century BC as the tribes that dwelt
in the "uppermost parts of the north". The Assyrians in the 7th
century referred to them as the Gimirraya. Other names used
throughout history include Gimmerai, Crimea, Chomari, Cimmer,
Cimmerian. Cimmerians populated areas of the north of the
Caucasus & Black Sea in southern Russia. Linguistically they are
usually regarded as Thracian, which suggests a close relationship.
"Thraco-Cimmerian" remains of the 8th-7th century BC found in the
southwestern Ukraine and in central Europe are associated with the
Aes people.
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Les Thraces étaient un
indo-européen (thraco-illyrien)
dont les membres partageaient un ensemble de
croyances, un mode de vie et parlaient la même
langue avec des variations et dialectes. Leur
civilisation, encore mal connue, s'est épanouie du
III° millénaire au III° siècle av. J-C. Leur
culture, orale, faite de légendes et de mythes se
différencie de celle des autres peuples de ce temps
par la croyance en l'immortalité "orphisme
thrace" rapporté par
Les Thraces vécurent sur un vaste territoire
européen entre la mer Noire (le pont Euxin) à l'est,
la rivière Strouma (Strymon) à l'ouest, les Carpates
septendrionales au nord (Daces),
mer Egée au sud, ainsi que dans le sud-ouest de
mineure (Phrygiens). Mais ils avaient leurs
origines en Asie centrale (Bactres, Massagètes). Ils
s'étendirent au cours de l'histoire sur les régions
suivantes :
Bulgarie, nord-est de la
Turquie (partie
européenne et
Asie Mineure occidentale),
Ukraine (jusqu'au
Volga inférieure et
En général, on admet que les Thraces du sud du
Danube étaient plutôt composés de plusieurs
tribus et que ceux du nord ont pu créer en
Dacie un état puissant et une civilisation
propre partageant les mêmes langue et coutumes, qui
fut pendant plus d'un siècle le plus important
ennemi de l'Empire
romain (en alliance avec les
Goths, tribus germaniques et autres).
Histoire des Thraces
Les avis des historiens diffèrent à propos de la
date d'arrivée des Thraces. Une première hypothèse
considère que les Thraces sont présents dans la
région des
Balkans plus de 5000 ans avant JC. Il n'y aurait
alors pas eu de réelle rupture depuis le
néolithique chez ce peuple. Leur société se
serait complexifiée au fur et à mesure.
La seconde hypothèse veut que les Thraces ne soient
venus des
ukrainiennes que vers le début du
IIe millénaire av. J.-C.
C'est l'époque des rois anonymes décrits par
Homère dans l'Iliade.
Dés le III° millénaire av.J-C les Thraces, l'un des
peuples indo-européens les plus anciens d'après les
linguistes présentent une société très hiérarchisée
gérée par les soldats et les prêtres. Sur chaque
territoire il existe un souverain.
Cette civilisation tout à fait spécifique s'est
créée dans une vaste zone du sud-est européen à la
population sédentaire mais en contact avec les "cultures
des steppes". Durant cette période les Thraces
n'ont eu que peu de contacts avec les autres grandes
En l'absence d'écrits, les trésors des rois et
des aristocrates permettent une approche de la
culture Thrace. Le service cultuel de
Valchistan, les trésors de
Panayot Hitovo et de
Kazitchéné donnent la preuve du pouvoir
politique et économique des premiers souverains
thraces anonymes ainsi que de l'originalité, de la
technologie et de la maîtrise artistique de leurs
Royaumes Thraces : des
états religieux
Alors que disparaît la
civilisation mycénienne et qu'apparaissent les
cités grecques, les Thraces gardent la même
organisation. Les royaumes sont gouvernés par des
dynasties de rois-prêtres (Polistes) à la
tête de troupes de cavaliers aristocrates (Tarabostes)
et de paysans guerriers (Comates). Les
nombreuses résidences fortifiées correspondent à des
capitales temporaires, quand le roi y réside.
Les paysans sont libres. Les fouilles
archéologiques sur un marché du V° siècle av.J-C
(près de
Krastevitch) n'ont pas permis de découvrir
d'atelier. Mais les mines, la métallurgie, le
travail des métaux étaient des monopoles royaux et
les ateliers étaient à la cour du roi.
L'influence grecque
A partir du VI° siècle av.J-C l'aristocratie
thrace, surtout les
Besses et les
Odryses ont des échanges avec les Grecs et même
utilisent l'alphabet
grec pour des écrits non encore déchiffrés.
Hérodote a dit :La nation des Thraces est,
après celle des Indiens, la plus importante du
monde. S'ils avaient un seul roi et s'ils pouvaient
s'entendre entre eux, ils seraient invincibles et,
d'après moi, beaucoup plus puissants que toutes les
A cette époque les Thraces sont refoulés de leur
frontière ouest sur l'Adriatique
par les
Illyriens puis par les
Macédoniens. La région côtière formant leur
frontière sud déjà colonisée par les Grecs est
conquise par les
Perses de
Darius Ier en 515 av.J-C. puis repasse sous le
contrôle des
Sitalkès, le roi des Odryses (le plus puissant
des royaumes thraces de cette période) est l'allié
des Athéniens dans la guerre du
Péloponnèse. Après sa mort commence une période
de déclin malgré les essais d'unification de la
Thrace sous
Cotys Ier et
Philippe II de Macédoine puis
Lysimaque étendent la domination macédonienne
sur la Thrace méridionale puis sur la majeure partie
du territoire. Mais les Odryses continuèrent la
lutte contre Lysimaque proclamé roi de Thrace puis
contre ses successeurs
Ptolémée Kéraunos, les
Attalides de
De la période romaine
à nos jours
En 168 et 133 av.J-C la Thrace passe sous
domination romaine et le royaume des Odryses reste
fidèle à
Rome, sûrement en raison de la menace des
Daces sur le
Danube. Mais d'autres s'y opposent et sont
soumis par la force. De nombreux Thraces sont pris
comme esclaves: leur caractère rebelle et combatif
les destine fréquemment à la carrière de gladiateurs
(le plus connu d'entre eux est
En 46 est créée la
province romaine de
Thrace. La romanisation des
Thraco-illyriens (du moins, au nord de la ligne
Jireçek) les transforme en
Dalmates et en
Valaques (latins orientaux). Une colonie grecque
au nom thrace de Byzance (Byza = rivage, coteau) est
choisie pour être la capitale de l'Empire romain
d'orient sous le nom de
Mais l'invasion des
Goths en 376 commence une série de guerres qui
transforme cette région en champ de bataille : pour
ne citer que les plus marquantes, après les passages
Huns et des
Avars, l'occupation par les
Slaves et l'affrontement des
Bulgares et des
Byzantins s'achève par une slavisation de plus
en plus marquée des pays jadis thraces. La Thrace
n'est plus qu'une région géographique.
Les Turcs annexent toute la Thrace en 1389, puis
encerclent et prennent Constantinople en 1453. Leur
domination dure jusqu'en 1878. Se crée alors en
Thrace septentrionale la province autonome de
Roumélie-Orientale réunie à la
Bulgarie en 1885. Durant la 1° guerre balkanique
(1912) la Thrace est prise par les Bulgares,
disputée entre Bulgares et Grecs, en partie rendue
aux Turcs par le traité de Constantinople du 29
septembre 1913. Les frontières ont changé plusieurs
fois mais finalement la Thrace reste partagée entre
ces trois pays, dont deux (Bulgarie et Grèce) sont
aujourd'hui membres de l'Union Européenne, et le
troisième (Turquie) candidat.
Liste des peuples
Les Thraces étaient composés de plusieurs
centaines de peuples différents selon les
témoignages, sans qu'on puisse savoir qui sont ces
Les quatre principales tribus était les Odryses,
les Gètes, les Triballes et les Daces. On trouve la
première mention des Thraces dans l'Iliade
Ils sont alors les alliés des Grecs assiégeant
Troie. Les Thraces étaient réputés être de très
bon cavaliers, ainsi que des orfèvres de grande
On sait que sans doute, le plus important et le
plus puissant des peuples thraces, que les Grecs
appelaient Gètes et les Romains
Daces, était composée de plusieurs tribus,
capables de se réunir en temps de guerre dans un
seul état centralisé, ce qui faisait leur puissance
comme contre-pouvoir face à l'Empire
romain (falsifications massives des monnaies
romaines par exemple).
Les autres Thraces, où qu'ils aient habité,
semblent avoir été tous conquis par l'Empire romain
très tôt et assimilés très vite, ne pouvant pas
opposer une aussi grande résistance (surtout ceux de
Les tribus suivantes avaient une composante
Thrace :
Thraces célèbres
Orphée, héros légendaire de la mythologie
grecque, fils du roi de Thrace
Œagre et de la muse
Calliope. Il est le fondateur mythique d'un
mouvement religieux appelé
Spartacus fut un gladiateur Thrace qui mena
un soulèvement d'esclaves dans l'actuelle
Burebista était l'un des plus grands rois
Daces. Il réussit à confédéreer les populations
thraces depuis la rivière Hercinica (l'actuelle
Moravie) à l'ouest, jusqu'au
Boug méridional à l'est.
Décébale, dernier roi Dace: battu par
Trajan, il s'est suicidé avec toute sa cour.
BULGARIA - a brief history outline
Dimiter Markovski
were a conglomerate of numerous tribes. The formation of the
Thracian tribal community
appreciably antecedes the emergence of the other Indo-European
communities - the Roman, the Celtic, the German, the Slavic
and the Scandinavian. The ancestors of the Thracians had lived on
the Balkan Peninsula as far back as the new Stone Age. Experts use
the term 'Proto-Thracians' to describe the inhabitants of an
extensive area in South-Eastern Europe during the third and second
millennium B.C. The name 'Thracians' first appeared at the end of
the second millennium B.C. (according
to Homer). 'From that time on this term gradually became the
common ethnonym for the inhabitants of the area between the
Carpathians and the Aegean Sea, the Black Sea and the valleys of the
Morava and Vardar rivers' (Acad. V. Georgiev, Prof. A. Foll and
Prof. G.I. Georgiev). The people in question spoke related or
similar dialects of a common language. During the twelfth and
eleventh centuries B.C. the Thracians settled not only on the
peninsular mainland and the Mediterranean islands, but also moved
south-eastwards into Asia Minor.
Thracians took part in the
Trojan War. Homer recorded that the Thracian chieftain Rezos
appeared before the walls of Troy with the most handsome and
well-built horses, whiter than snow and fleet as deer.
During the first millennium B.C. the Thracian tribes were a
relatively unified tribal entity. Their history can be classified in
two main periods: the first one dates from the end of the second
millennium B.C. until the end of the 6th century B.C. During this
period, and particularly after the eighth century B.C., Greek
colonizers began to settle along the Aegean and Black Sea littoral.
Quite a number of Greek city-colonies had Thracian names, including
Byzantion- later the famous capital of Byzantium (Greek settlers
from the town of Megara formed this colony, naming it after Byzas
the Thracian). The second period, from the end of the 6th century
until the turn of the 3rd century B.C. was the Golden Age of the
Thracian state and culture.
According to Herodotus, the Thracians were a multitudinous
people. Compared to the Greek city-states, whose total population
numbered around 200-250 thousand, the tribal nucleus of the Thracian
ethnos alone, the people living between the Danube and the Aegean
Sea, numbered around one million throughout the first millennium
B.C., according to rough estimates. The biggest state alliance of
the Thracians, the state of Odrys, existed from the beginning of the
fifth century B.C. until the beginning of the third century B.C. Its
first capital was situated somewhere along the lower reaches of the
Maritsa River. In mid-fourth century B.C., this state disintegrated
into three smaller alliances of which the one with the capital of
Seuthopolis (in the area of present-day Kazanluk) survived longest.
How the Thracians titled their ruler is unknown (the Greeks
called him basileus and the state basileia). The state ruler had a
council of representatives of the tribal aristocracy. The taxes from
the Thracian tribes within the state were levied in gold and silver
as well as in the form of gifts such as cloth and other articles. A
dragon was depicted on the standard of the Thracians.
Slavery in the Thracian community existed on a smaller scale than
in the Greek states. According to Herodotus, however, the Thracians
did on occasion sell their own children into slavery. The state of
Philip II (359 - 336 B.C.) and his son Alexander of Macedon (336-323
B.C.) resembled more closely the classical form of slave ownership.
Both kings were involved in Greek and Balkan affairs. Alexander of
Macedon took the Greek world out east, drafting into his army many
Thracians. The Celts, too, took possession of some Thracian lands.
Their state, with the capital of Tile (near the present-day town of
Kazanluk) existed from 279 to 211 B.C. Thus the Celts left their
trace on these lands, after which they dispersed to settle over the
entire continent, reaching the British Isles. Scythian and other
tribes also migrated to the Thracian lands, but the Thracians firmly
withstood the invaders. For a very long period, too, the Thracians
repelled the attempts of the Roman empire to conquer them. It was
only two centuries after they first set foot on the Balkans in the
year 45 A.D., that the Romans succeeded in subjugating all Thracian
A courageous and daring people, the Thracians were employed as
mercenaries in the armies of various rulers as early as the Hellenic
epoch, later in the Roman auxiliary troops, and from the second
century onwards in the legions. The great slave uprising in the
Roman empire (74-71 B.C.) can also be attributed to Thracian history
not just because its leader and military commander Spartacus was a
Thracian (it seems most likely that he came from the Medi tribe
which inhabited the areas along the Strouma River) but also for the
reason that most of the insurgent slaves were Thracians and Gauls.
Historical chronicles on many occasions cite Thracian revolts
against the Roman conquerors. The Odrysae tribe (which lived in-the
Rhodope region) rebelled in the year 21 A.D., and the tribes settled
south of the Balkan Range revolted in the year 26 A.D. The new ways
introduced by the Romans ushered in a new stage in the development
of the slave-owning society.
A great number of fortified settlements to serve as military
posts for the defence of the Roman empire were constructed. Roads,
bridges, public buildings, water-supply and sewage systems were
constructed on a previously un-heard-of scale. What has survived of
the latter, open-air theatres included, has become part of the
living cities in present-day Bulgaria.
In the third century a process of decline began to take place in
the life of the Roman empire. Spent in its efforts to assimilate the
conquered peoples, the empire began to be influenced by the inferior
cultures it had conquered. The Roman army was manned with soldiers
from the rural population of the Danubean provinces. (The manning of
the Roman army with Germans was to come later.) There were many
Thracian cohorts in the empire. Thracian and Illyrian peasants also
gained supremacy in the internecine strifes of contenders for the
throne. From 236 to 238 Maximinus Thrax held the imperial throne.
The Thracian armies secured the throne for Septimius Severus. The
Thracian lands became the theatre of wars and conflicts.
Directly or indirectly the Thracians were involved in the
evolution of ancient Mediterranean civilization (Graeco-Hellenic and
Roman). The Thracian cultural heritage has left us many examples of
gold, silver and bronze ornaments, tools and arms, household objects
and vessels. Thracian culture, which preserved what was traditional
and at the same time assimilated ideas from other nations, was a
link between Europe and the East. Such outstanding finds as the
Vulchitrun gold treasure of the eighth century B.C., the
Panagyurishte gold treasure of the fourth century B.C., the tombs
near the town of Kazanluk and the village of Mezek, Haskovo region,
belonging to the same period, and the Rogozen treasure (North-Western
Bulgaria) - all testify to refined tastes and consummate
craftsmanship and art. Particularly indicative of the rich spiritual
make-up of the Thracians, of the freedom-loving spirit of this
land-tilling and stock-breeding population, was the multiplicity of
religious cults it upheld: they worshipped the Horseman and his
female counterpart Bendida; they partook of the Dionysian orgies (mainly
the southern Thracians); upheld the Orphic teaching, based on the
Dionysian cult, which was born in Thrace but later spread to and
further developed in the Greek world. The Thracian Horseman (given
the Greek name Heros in many reliefs and inscriptions) in his many
forms became an almost universal deity during the Roman epoch: a
deity of hunting, fertility, life and death, of God the Almighty,
the omniscient, the omnipresent. Over 1500 stone reliefs and more
than 100 bronze statuettes of the Horseman have been uncovered on
the territory of present-day Bulgaria.
The Dionysian cult was also very widespread, primarily in the
mountainous regions of the Haemus, Rhodope and Pirin mountains. In
his original, popular conception Dionysus was the god of infinite
creativity, of omnifarious Nature, of each tree and flower.
Without underrating the primary importance of ancient Greek
culture and of Greek mythology, it would help the better
understanding of this culture if we pointed out that Hellas
benefitted to a great extent from its contacts and interaction with
its Thracian hinterland. It has been established that the author of
'The Pelopones War' was of Thracian extraction. The name of Orpheus,
whose Thracian origin is indisputable and who is believed to have
really lived as a singer, preacher and oracle, is related to the
transformation of the Dionysian cult to something superior, of
higher spiritual value. Enriched through Orphism, the Dionysian cult
and the related orgies, supplemented and fecundated Greek thinking
and it was from the Dionysian cult that the ancient Hellenic tragedy
and comedy developed. It is known that Pythagoras, the Greek
philosopher and mathematician (580-500 B.C.) was influenced by
Orphism and through his teaching helped its dissemination. The first
three centuries following the conquest of the Thracians by the
Romans were a time of great confusion as regards religious concepts
and cults. Parallel with the traditional religious beliefs, the
divine tributes paid to the Roman emperor and the divine city Dea
Roma, Serapis and Isis of Egypt, Doliheus of Syrian Comatena, which
on occasions became one with Magna Mater Deorum - the Great Mother,
also called Cybele, were worshipped. The Thracians also adopted
through various channels Christianity, which was officially imposed
in the towns after it was made the official religion of the empire
in the year 313. In 330 the capital of the empire was moved from
Rome to the ancient Byzantion. The centre of the ancient
Mediterranean world was moved from West to East. Emerging with-in
the former boundaries of Thrace, Constantinople remained the city of
glittering magnificence, attracting the eyes and desires of all
conquerors throughout the Middle Ages.
Various tribes continued to cross the Danube from the north-east.
The native population neither hastened to unite with them, nor
resisted them. The newcomers and the natives, burdened with heavy
imperial taxes and multitudinous duties, cooperated in a unique
manner. By the end of the third century and especially during the
fourth century the lands along the Lower Danube were the target of
incessant invasions by various tribes - Goths,
Vandals, Huns, etc.
By the end of the fifth century and the turn of the sixth century
the Slavs also began to infiltrate the Balkan Peninsula on a mass
From Wikipedia, the free
(Redirected from
- See
Cimmeria (Conan) or
Cimmeria (Poem) for the fiction of
Robert E. Howard.
The Cimmerians (Greek:
Kimmerioi) were ancient
equestrian nomads who, according to
Herodotus, originally inhabited the region north
of the
Caucasus and the
Black Sea, in what is now
Russia and
Ukraine, in the
8th and
7th century BC. Assyrian records, however, first
place them in the region of what is today
Azerbaijan in 714 BC.
Their origins are obscure, but they are believed
to have been
Indo-European. Their language is regarded as
being related to
Thracian or
Iranian, or at least to have had an Iranian
ruling class.[1]
According to Encyclopedia Britannica:They
probably did live in the area north of the Black
Sea, but attempts to define their original homeland
more precisely by archaeological means, or even to
fix the date of their expulsion from their country
by the Scythians, have not so far been completely
Very little is known archaeologically of the
Cimmerians of the Northern Black Sea Coast. They are
associated with the
Srubna culture, which displaced the earlier
catacomb culture (2000-1200 BCE).
A few
stone stelae found in
Ukraine and the northern Caucasus have been
connected with the Cimmerians. They are in a style
clearly different from both the later Scythian and
the earlier
There is a theory that the Cimmerians were
Bulgars. According to the ancient "History of
the Monk Spiridon" and to the "History of Zograf" (Zograf
Monastery), the Cimmerian king Koled had two
sons — Brem and Bolg. After a war with the
Scythians, part of the Cimmerians migrated to the
west, where Brem conquered West European lands; the
Celts and the
Brythons became Brem's successors. The other
part of the Cimmerians migrated to the south, where
Bolg's tribe resided on the Balkan Peninsula .
Bolg's capital was discovered after archaeological
excavations near the town of
Kazanlak in what is now central Bulgaria.
Historical accounts
Cimmerian invasions of Colchis, Urartu
and Assyria during the reign of King
Rusas I
The first historical record of the Cimmerians
appears in
Assyrian annals in the year
714 BC. These describe how a people termed the
Gimirri helped the forces of
Sargon II to defeat the kingdom of
Urartu. Their original homeland, called Gamir
or Uishdish, seems to have been located
within the buffer state of
Mannae. The later geographer
Ptolemy placed the Cimmerian city of Gomara
in this region. After their conquests of
Colchis and
Iberia in the First Millennium
BC, the Cimmerians also came to be known as
Gimirri in
Georgian. According to Georgian historians,[3]
the Cimmerians played an influential role in the
development of both the
Colchian and
Iberian cultures. The modern-day Georgian word
hero which is gmiri, is derived from the
word Gimirri, a direct reference to the
Cimmerians which settled in the area after the
initial conquests.
Some modern authors assert that the Cimmerians
mercenaries, whom the Assyrians knew as
Khumri, who had been resettled there by Sargon.
However, later Greek accounts describe the
Cimmerians as having previously lived on the
steppes, between the Tyras (Dniester)
and Tanais (Don)
rivers. Several kings of the Cimmerians are
mentioned in Greek and
Mesopotamian sources, including
Tugdamme (Lygdamis in
Greek; mid-7th
century BC), and
Sandakhshatra (late-7th century).
A mythical people also named Cimmerians are
described in Book 11, 14 of
Odyssey as living beyond the
Oceanus, in a land of fog and darkness, at the
edge of the world and the entrance of Hades; most
probably they are unrelated to the Cimmerians of the
Black Sea.[4]
According to the Histories of
Herodotus (c. 440 BC), the Cimmerians had been
expelled from the steppes at some point in the past
by the Scythians. To ensure burial in their
ancestral homeland, the men of the Cimmerian royal
family divided into groups and fought each other to
the death. The Cimmerian commoners buried the bodies
along the river Tyras and fled from the Scythian
advance, across the
Caucasus and into
Anatolia and the
Near East. Their range seems to have extended
from Mannae eastward through the
Mede settlements of the
Zagros Mountains, and south of there as far as
The migrations of the Cimmerians were recorded by
the Assyrians, whose king, Sargon II, died in battle
against them in
705 BC. They are subsequently recorded as having
Phrygia in
696 BC-695
BC, prompting the Phrygian king
Midas to take poison rather than face capture.
679 BC, during the reign of
Esarhaddon of Assyria, they attacked
Cilicia and
Tabal under their new ruler
Teushpa. Esarhaddon defeated them near
Hubushna (tentatively identified with modern
654 BC or
652 BC – the exact date is unclear – the
Cimmerians attacked the kingdom of
Lydia, killing the Lydian king
Gyges and causing great destruction to the
Lydian capital,
Sardis. They returned ten years later during the
reign of Gyges' son
Ardys II and this time captured the city, with
the exception of the citadel. The fall of Sardis was
a major shock to the powers of the region; the Greek
Callinus and
Archilochus recorded the fear that it inspired
in the Greek colonies of
Ionia, some of which were attacked by Cimmerian
Treres raiders.
The Cimmerian occupation of Lydia was brief,
however -- possibly due to an outbreak of
plague. Between
637 BC and
626 BC they were beaten back by
Alyattes II of Lydia. This defeat marked the
effective end of Cimmerian power. The term "Gimirri"
was used about a century later in the
Behistun inscription (ca.
515 BC) as a Babylonian equivalent of Persian
Saka (Scythians), but otherwise Cimmerians are
not heard of again in Asia, and their ultimate fate
is uncertain. It has been speculated that they
settled in Cappadocia, known in
Armenian as Gamir (the same name as the
original Cimmerian homeland in Mannae). However,
Frankish traditions would locate them at the
mouth of the
Danube (see
A reference to the Cimmerians is preserved in
Gomer גמר of the
Hebrew Bible (Standard
Hebrew Gómer,
Tiberian Hebrew Gōmer,
Genesis 10:2,
Ezekiel 38:6). As the eldest son of
Japheth and the father of
Riphath and
Togarmah, his descendants thus represent one of
the major branches of the Japhethic race.
The Cimmerians are also referred to in Homer's
Odyssey, as well as in contemporary literature by
Robert E. Howard in his Conan series of novels.
- 721-715 BC –
Sargon II mentions a land of Gamirr
near to
- 714 – suicide of
Rusas I of Urartu, after defeat by both the
Assyrians and Cimmerians.
- 705 – Sargon II of Assyria dies on an
expedition against the Kulummu.
- 679/678 – Gimirri under a ruler
called Teushpa invade Assyria from
Hubuschna (Cappadocia?).
Esarhaddon of Assyria defeats them in battle.
- 676-674 – Cimmerians invade and destroy
Phrygia, and reach
- 654 or 652 – Gyges of Lydia dies in battle
against the Cimmerians. Sack of Sardis;
Cimmerians and
Treres plunder Ionian colonies.
- 644 – Cimmerians occupy Sardis, but withdraw
soon afterwards
- 637-626 – Cimmerians defeated by Alyattes
- ca. 515 – Last historical record of
Cimmerians, in the Behistun inscription of
Of the language of the Cimmerians, only a few
personal names have survived in
Assyrian inscriptions:
- Te-ush-pa, mentioned in the annals of
Esarhaddon, has been compared to the
Hurrian war deity
Teshub; others interpret it as
Iranian, comparing the
Achaemenid name Teispes (Herodotus
- Dug-dam-me (Dugdammê) king of
the Ummân-Manda (nomads)
appears in a prayer of
Ashurbanipal to
Marduk, on a fragment at the
British Museum. Other spellings include
Dugdammi, and Tugdammê. Yamauchi
(1982) interprets the name as Iranian, citing
Ossetic "tux-domaeg" meaning "ruling with
strength." The name appears corrupted to
Lygdamis in
Strabo I.3.21.
- Sandaksatru, son of Dugdamme. This is
an Iranian reading of the name, and Mayrhofer
(1981) points out that the name may also be read
as Sandakurru. Mayrhofer likewise rejects
the interpretation of "with pure regency" as a
mixing of Iranian and Indo-Aryan. Ivancik
suggests an association with the
Anatolian deity
Some researchers have attempted to trace various
place names to Cimmerian origins. It has been
suggested that
Crimea is named after the Cimmerians[citation
needed] as well as the Armenian
city of
Gyumri. This, however, seems to be a dubious
premise. The name "Crimea" is traceable to the
Crimean Tatar word qırım (literally "my
steppe" of "my hill"), and the peninsula was
known as
Taurica ("peninsula of the
Tauri") in antiquity (Strabo 7.4.1; Herodotus
4.99.3, Amm. Marc. 22.8.32).
The Cimmerians are now often classified as an
Iranian people, but based on ancient Greek
historical sources, a
Thracian or (less commonly) a
Celtic association is sometimes assumed.
According to C. F. Lehmann-Haupt, the language of
the Cimmerians could have been a "missing link"
between Thracian and Iranian.
Possible offshoots
The Cimmerians are thought to have had a number
of offshoots. The
Thracians have been identified as a possible
western branch of the Cimmerians. If Herodotus is to
be believed, both peoples originally inhabited the
northern shore of the
Black Sea, and both were displaced around the
same time by invaders from further east. Whereas the
Cimmerians would have departed this ancestral
homeland by heading east and south across the
Caucasus, the Thracians migrated west and south into
Balkans, where they established a successful and
long-lived culture. The
Tauri, the original inhabitants of Crimea, are
sometimes identified as a people related to the
Although the Cimmerians of historical record only
appear on the stage of world history for a brief
time (during the
7th century BC), numerous
Celtic and
Germanic peoples have traditions of being
descended from the Cimmerians or Scythians, and some
of their ethnic names seem to bear out this belief
Cwmry or
Cimbri). It is unlikely that either
Proto-Celtic or
Proto-Germanic entered Europe as late as the 7th
century BC, their formation being commonly
associated with the Bronze Age
Urnfield and
Nordic Bronze Age cultures, respectively. It is,
however, conceivable that a small-scale (in terms of
population) 8th century "Thraco-Cimmerian"
migration triggered cultural changes that
contributed to the transformation of the Urnfield
culture into the
Hallstatt C culture, ushering in the European
Iron Age.
The etymology of Cymro "Welshman" and
Cwmry "Cumbria",
said in
Welsh tradition to derive directly from the "Cimmerians",
is instead considered by Celtic historical linguists
as being from Proto-British *kom-brogos
meaning "fellow countryman"[5][6]
and is related to its sister language
Breton's keñvroad, keñvroiz "compatriot"
[7]. As for the
Cimbri tribe, they are considered to be a
Germanic tribe hailing from the Himmerland (Old
Dutch Himber sysæl) region in northern
[8]. In addition,
in sources beginning with the
Royal Frankish Annals, the
Merovingian kings of the
Franks traditionally traced their lineage
through a pre-Frankish tribe called the
Sicambri (or Sugambri), mythologized as a group
of "Cimmerians" from the mouth of the
Danube river, but who instead came from
Gelderland in modern
Netherlands and are named for the
Sieg river
If the Scythians are assumed to be related to the
Cimmerians, as has often been claimed, many other
peoples claiming possible Scythian descent could
also be added to this list. Later Cimmerian remnant
groups may have spread as far as to the
Nordic Countries.
The association of the Cimmerians with one of the
Lost Tribes of Israel plays a certain role in
British Israelism.
In popular culture